Mentioned in Video:

Ticker Symbol: YOU is undergoing some big changes. In a recent interview with @Reliable Education, I talked about the motivation behind the channel, my opinion on @ARK Invest‘s research, all the reasons we invest in tesla stock (TSLA), and the future the markets and this channel.

Video Transcript:

Ticker Symbol: You is six months old now, so I figured it'd be fun to share a little bit about myself. I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Adam Hudson, founder of Reliable Education and a serial entrepreneur who shares my passions for advanced technology, education and investing.

We talked about a lot of things.

Including how my channel got its name, my personal views on ARK Invest research and stock picks, and my decision to take YouTube full time. Oh, yeah. I decided to take YouTube full time. Stick around till the end of the episode, and I'll share some of the big changes coming to the channel soon.

Without further ado, I want to get the night started with my friend Alex, who I believe, and this is an odd kind of thing to say, he is one of my favorite teachers, bar none on any subject matter right now, including people that I'm learning from, like Chamath Palihapitiya, who's worth about $10 billion right now in his early 40s, maybe his late 30s, early 40s, Cathie Wood and all these people that I learned from through podcasts and interviews that I watch on YouTube and all this stuff. Alex may be my favorite, and he's standing by to talk to us.

He doesn't do many interviews, but he is an incredibly smart guy who is an incredible teacher. You're in for a real treat if you love technology, if you love understanding what's coming down the pipe and putting it in layman's terms about what it all means and how you might be able to position yourself and your family to take advantage of it. So I contacted Alex and said, hey, listen, would you come and talk to our Platinum clients? Would you share with us what you're thinking about your experience in building the channel?

His channel analyzes the buy and sell movements of what is now the rock star investment firm in the world, which is called ARK Invest out of New York City. Headed up by Cathie Wood, the most successful investor in the world right now. She has outperformed Warren Buffett over the last five or ten years by a factor of 16 or 60, I can't remember, over five or ten years. So it's not just one year. Last year she outperformed everybody. Her nearest competitor last year was 60% below her, right?

That was last year. But she's outperformed people like Warren Buffett over five and ten year periods as well. And Alex started his channel analyzing the buy sell movements of what Cathie and her team of analysts are doing and also videos that explain the technology in 20 minutes or less. And they are so compelling and are democratizing investing worldwide, in my opinion. So Alex is a guy who geeks out on this stuff. I think he's going to be a big voice in the future on the Internet around this particular subject matter because he has a freakishly high level of competency around teaching and we are very privileged to have him with us right now.

So we're going to quickly close the feed off here. I'm going to jump on to the sports desk and we're going to come right back with our friend Alex from Ticker Symbol: You. Let's get into it.

Alright, guys, I am super excited to have with me now Alex Divinsky, the founder of my favorite YouTube channel on Earth, Ticker Symbol: You who is joining us at this strange hour from Florida in the United States. Alex, thank you so much for coming and joining us today. How you doing?

I'm doing great. Thank you so much for having me. I'm excited to be here.

Now, guys, I talked about in our virtual summit earlier this year in the part that I was talking about the future, the next five years in investing and I showed a whole bunch of data. This is the guy whose shoulders I stood on to present much of that info. Alex, you don't know this, but I said that I got a lot of this data from you, and I'm just so… I fanboy out a little bit when I got you on that. And I know it's so funny now I know how other people feel when they see me because I'm on YouTube so much they come up, it's kind of weird when you see them in real life.

And I've watched so many hours of your videos that I was like, oh, my God, this is the real guy and it's kind of awesome. So we really do appreciate it. And I want to start by asking you, Alex, what has surprised you most about starting your YouTube channel? Because it was a side hustle for you. And now you've got thousands of followers will becoming cult like Alex fans. What's been the biggest surprise for you and all, of this?

Yeah. I think I'm really surprised at the level of hunger for the level of technical detail that I go in. My channel really focuses on disruptive innovation, advanced technology and finding winners in the stock market through deep research. Right. So I thought I was going to have a very small niche channel with several hundred followers that we would keep up, focus on research, build a small research community and that's it. And I'm genuinely surprised to be sitting here just a few short months later with over 60000 subscribers, sponsorships and all that kind of stuff, it's really gratifying to see how many like minded people are out there.

Yeah. What kind of messages are you getting and tell us a little bit about the types of people? Is there sort of an avatar of the type of person that is following you or is it global? Is there an age group or what are you seeing in that front?

Sure. Yeah. I would say the average person who follows me is a high net worth individual, probably in their late 40s, early 50s. They tend to be either American or Australian or from the EU, and they're focused on investing. So I thought I would be capturing more of a technology community, is where I thought I would straddle more technology in investing. But the people who do tend to follow me are actually full time investors who are excited to invest in disruptive innovation and advanced technology. So that was a nice surprise that I'm really excited about.

I'm actually surprised to hear that I would have thought that they would be younger, like, because you're quite young, right? Like, how old are you?

That's right. I'm almost 33. That's correct. I thought they'd be younger as well.

Yeah, I thought that'd just be these younger sort of geeky guys that live and breathe cryptocurrency, but it's sort of us older guys and girls that are interested, I think. And I've said this to you offline, but I'll sort of acknowledge it again here. I'm a professional teacher in certain spaces, and I've spoken on stages with some of the biggest in the world, but mate I've got to say, your content is world class, like it really is world class, the level of detail and the time. I don't know how you do it, but your ability. My fiance sits in. We have a sauna. I showed you when we were doing the pre interview where I listen to your content, but we both sit there riveted, and it's just such high quality content. So kudos to you on that.

Thank you. That means a lot to me, I really appreciate that.

Now, is it still a side hustle or what were you doing in a day job? And then what are your plans with the channel?

Sure. So just a little bit brief background about me. I used to be a rocket scientist at MIT for about eight years. I spent a lot of time teaching on the side and teaching really is a passion of mine as well. I taught a lot of advanced technology during my time there, and then I moved on to an advanced web technology company where I spent the last two years. And that's where I really started the YouTube channel as a side hustle. Now, as of actually, yesterday, YouTube is my full time job.

I resigned in my day job to pursue YouTube full time because I also had have that passion for teaching, a passion for research and now a passion for investing. So I'm proud to be able and lucky, I'm knocking on wood here, to be able to say that I'm a full time YouTuber and a full time teacher and investor.

Well, congratulations, Alex. That's amazing. And it all makes a lot more sense now a rocket scientist from MIT background, right. So I didn't know that. So that's really interesting. Many years ago, I went to a small conference. There was about 100 of us there, and Elon Musk came and spoke to us and he said, all right, I got a problem for you guys. And he put it out. And he said, how many people got the answer? And three people put their hands up and he said, Congratulations, you could be rocket scientists.

And they said, we all are rocket scientists.

That's hilarious.

Then he said, well, what we're going to talk about today is not rocket science. It's actually much harder. Let's get into it.

That's awesome.

That sounds like a crowd you'd like to be in. So, moving on from that. Let's talk a little bit about your passion and Ticker Symbol: You. What's the ethos behind Ticker Symbol: You? What does that mean to you? Why did you call the channel that? And why did you create that tagline where we believe you're your best investment?

Sure. Yeah. That's actually my favorite question ever. And when I almost never get asked. So I actually appreciate you asking it. I strongly believe that the best thing you can do is invest in yourself as an investor, and that comes from a lot of data, right? One of the big things that I know as a seasoned investor is there something called the behavior gap, which is simply the difference between what your investments would have made if you bought them and did nothing and what your investments do make as a result of your actions.

And that tends to be a negative gap. You tend to under perform your own investments as an investor. And that's due to the lack of information, a lack of discipline, a lack of certain things that are tied to the investor, not the investment. So I thought I would create a channel that inverts the problem and says, what if we take time to season the investor, to invest in the investor that's you, that's the audience, through building conviction, through research, through knowledge, through understanding of the things we're investing in, and then we can cultivate that confidence that results in us minimizing that behavior gap, and ultimately inverting it. That is, feeling comfortable buying and selling the stocks we believe in because we understand how to value them.

For example, Tesla stock just shooting from the hip. And I know when it's too high. So I'm willing to sell, knowing that there will be news that brings it back down and I buy. And now I'm outperforming that already high performance investment because I've taken the time to invest in myself to do that.

Yeah. That's fascinating. And, well, I didn't realize I was part of that experiment, but I realize now, as you say, that I am because I haven't invested in a lot of the stuff that I have invested in as a direct result of watching you, Chamath and Cathie Wood and…

My heroes.

You first been there because you explained it to me in terms that I could understand. And this 20 minutes format is so effective in not being too long and your use of images and analogy and the fact that you are not recommending stocks.

You're not telling me to buy. You're not telling me to sell. You're just explaining the technology and connecting dots and leaving it to me to decide what to do. And I bought quite a bit of Tesla, and I bought into three of ARK's funds, and I bought into some high conviction stocks from within ARK's funds directly myself, like Square and others. And when CRISPR plummeted, not long after I bought in, I was completely cool. Like I was totally calm. I'm like, I don't care. I know why I bought it.

And I think my case is that it's still cheap either way. So in my view, because I'm educated. So I think that's just so powerful. And it really it really does give you that number one advantage, which is staying the course and leaving shit alone.

That's exactly right. And I'm so gratified to hear that. I figure if I can get one or two people to learn that level of confidence, I've done my job. That's all I want. Right?

You have. Yeah. And as I said, we've been working with my fiance's son, and he's only 21, but he's now done some stocks. And he's, too, is cool as a cucumber because he's got that education. And I've seen Alex video. We're good. So it's lovely to see. I wanted to ask you a little bit about your own views on ARK. So ARK is in Australia, a lot of our viewers probably haven't heard too much about ARK. The first time they ever heard about ARK and Cathie Wood was when I introduced it to them via our big event earlier this year.

And I got so many emails from around the world, people going, oh, my God. I've never even heard of Cathie Wood, never heard of Arc, and she's just such a brilliant investor. But she's also a brilliant marketer because her investment activities are bundled into these themes. These stories. And humans seem to love stories, and she's made it easy for so many people to buy into a story. What are your thoughts on that? What are your observations around ARK and Cathie Wood?

Yeah. Bill Gates has this wonderful quote: “if I had $2, I would spend one on marketing”. I think that rings true for Cathie Wood as well, right. She found out real quick that the two things she needs to do is have deep seated research and be able to explain that research in an elegant way that's attractive to investors who aren't necessarily technically minded. So the special thing I love about ARK Invest is they have completed that whole circle. Right. They need to understand what they're investing in to such a level that they need to be able to teach it quickly through white papers, through analyst articles, through quick videos on YouTube, whatever their preferred mechanism is in a way that people who are financially minded, but maybe not technically minded, like what is CRISPR gene editing level, right.

And they're still able to say, well, here's the big theme. Here's the big changes happening in health care, cancer screening, early detection of disease, editing out disease. So on. And we can all wrap our heads around that we all know somebody who's been affected by some health care issue or another. And that's the connection we make to their ARKG fund in that example. And so we're willing to put our money behind that. Hey, here's this active manager who's already done the research, and you can kind of identify with the theme of their research and trust them based on all of their publications about that research that they're going to do, right. So I really love that about them.

And I think we are so blessed today, as you know, Main Street, right. So the people who have jobs, they're not in Wall Street. Chamath talks about the democratization of Wall Street a lot and says people underestimate the intelligence and the interest and the power of Main Street, which we saw with the GameStop play, right where they the Main Street organized and handed out a hiding. Right now, of course, Wall Street probably won in the end. But it was a sobering reminder of the power of the world

we now live in, the fact that we can watch an interview with someone like Chamath, $10 billion man speak in human normal terms to us. And then we can turn in and watch a Ticker Symbol: You for 20 minutes where some guy who's a rocket scientist is explaining this to us in a way we understand. And then we can watch an interview with Cathie Wood, the most humble investment superhero in the world who's just talking to us down a YouTube channel and sending us an email inviting us and then giving us a white paper, which I remember before I started all this, the term white paper.

I thought that's for analysts and smart people. I went to ARK Invest, and I downloaded the white papers, and they're, like, seven pages. You can read them over a cup of tea and a half an hour and you get up feeling smarter and like a good human because you can actually invest in that. And I get a sense, Alex, that you have a real conviction about the types of things you're investing. It's not just financial for you. You have articulated about once or twice in your videos.

But maybe you could talk to us about your why a little bit about why you are investing in these technologies, about your beliefs about multiplanetary humans and all that.

Yeah, sure. So the market is really a reflection of society. Right. First of all, I really appreciate you asking this question because everyone's always about the stocks. Right. But you're right. It runs so much deeper than that, especially for me. I love the idea of investing in humanity. When I invest in Tesla, for example. It almost has nothing to do with the stock price, which I realize is a little funny to say on the surface. But the truth is, they're the ones that are making the world a greener and ultimately a safer place, period.

So whether the stock is $500 or $700 today, I feel confident that I'm investing not just according to what I think is financially sound, but what I think is making for a better tomorrow. And ultimately, exactly what you just said. These technologies are converging, artificial intelligence, genomics, DNA sequencing, the blockchain, robotics, energy storage. All of these things are converging in new wacky, interesting technologies that are changing the way we live, work, play and and of course, invest. And as a result, I can put my money in the societal changes

I believe in. A drone delivering my pizza tomorrow, a car driving me instead of me driving the car, et cetera, et cetera. These are no longer financial statements. They're statements I choose to believe about the future and the technology that'll take us there. And that's what makes me really proud and really passionate about it, is I'm aligning my own worldview, my personal world view, not my investment worldview, my personal worldview with my financial decisions. And that's what gives me the confidence when stocks go down to say, I still believe in this vision.

That means I'm buying into it at a discount and nothing is wrong.

I love that on so many levels, because so many people associate money with being a dirty thing you have to do to provide for your family, as opposed to believing that you could actually back the most important entrepreneur of the modern era, Elon Musk, the only living industrialist that we really have these days who is doing good on the world. And you could potentially make some great money as well. And there's many more like him, people like the creators of CRISPR and what they're doing with gene editing.

And you talk about drones delivering pizzas. But drones can also deliver medical supplies and 3D printed body parts.


As they're doing in China right now. Can we just talk like the chart that really made me lean in? I don't know whether it was in your video or one of Cathie's, but when she showed the last one or 200 years and the waves of innovation, and then you see the next five years and you see the Internet here and you see electricity here. And then you see these five converging technologies coming down the pipe.

Now it's freaking exciting. What do you see when you look at that? How do you feel looking at that? And could you also talk to this convergence idea? Because I don't know that a lot of people understand how it's not just that these technologies are insane, but they're all feeding into each other, which is where people on, often, Wall Street have been underestimating Cathie and her team. They don't understand that it's not just one thing it's a sympathy of things happening at the same time.

That's right. So let me give you a very clear example that hopefully relates to you and your audience. So Netflix is a company I think we all understand what they do on the surface, but how they do it is actually pretty magical. They use artificial intelligence to match people and movies. And those recommendations are based on your behavior as well as the behavior of people like you to determine which movies they should put in front of you. What if we took the Netflix problem and instead of matching movies, we matched financial services to you?

The right service is the right loans, the right business loans depending on who you are as a spender instead of who you are as a watcher. What if instead of doing that, it was healthcare solutions? What if instead of doing that, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, it turns out that Netflix problem, that artificial intelligence problem of matching people to content is a wide spread problem, which means a lot of different people are working on it from a lot of different angles, from genomics to blockchain and finance to robotics to energy storage.

And so on. And what that ultimately means is that when you approach a problem from many different angles, a solution from any one of those angles can create solutions for all of those angles. As that matching algorithm gets better, it's better for finance, for Netflix, for health care, for all these different things. And so as a result, that science is converging. Artificial intelligence is leading this disruption that's affecting all of those different services. And as a result, new types of businesses, new types of services, programs and paradigms are spawning out of those innovations.

So that's what ARK Invest has really tapped into: this idea that before it was computers, electricity and the automobile. Today, it's genomics, robotics, energy storage, artificial intelligence and the blockchain. And those aren't five things. Those are five things that are overlapping more and more thanks to artificial intelligence. And in some cases, robotics and energy storage being able to be used in all these different and creative ways. For example, on drones, for example, on self driving cars, for example, on digital wallets that are smart about how they recommend services in products to you down and down the line.

Is that helpful?

I mean, it's a great example. That's a great explanation of thinking of them as one convergence. And I think about CRISPR, right. And late last year in November, Google DeepMind have massive breakthroughs that CRISPR knew how to do it, but Deepmind, which is artificial intelligence, accelerated the timeline that they'd be able to do it in. So you've got genome technology over here. You've got artificial intelligence over here. The reason Tesla is so loved by people who are smart and in the know is because Tesla is the beneficiary of they are probably arguably the world's leading manufacturer of anything because of their advancements and investments into robotics.


Then they've got artificial intelligence for their driverless car case, and then they have energy storage. These are three of these massive mega trends. And you look at Amazon to all of our students watching this are all Amazon sellers. Amazon. When I went to Amazon's fulfillment center in Ocala, Florida, and probably not far from where you are, my mind was blown that they have these Kiva robots and like a Tetris setup in the middle, I was just like, oh my God. This is a robotics company. An ecommerce company, an artificial intelligence company? Yeah, it's all of these things converging together.

That's right.

3D printing is going to be benefiting their drone deliveries, which is a whole another… So, it's these companies that are beneficiaries of the convergence. And then they're also beneficiaries of Wright's law, which you may want to talk about that briefly. I'd love to hear it from you.

Sure. So first of all, Amazon is a great example. They employ, I believe, over a quarter million robots. So that's something awesome about them. They run the Internet through Amazon Web services. Right. I think your examples are totally spot on between Tesla and Amazon. So Wright's law says that for every cumulative doubling in production costs fall by a consistent percentage. So what does that mean? That means the first anything, the first sequencing of the human genome is wildly expensive. It's probably government funded. It's something we do to prove we can do it.

The second one gets the benefit of all of the lessons learned of the first one. So you do something, you do it again, you refine it. Then it starts becoming more repeatable. Then it becomes more reproducible, so on and so forth. The millionth time you do that thing, it is much cheaper than the 10th time you do that thing, so on and so forth. So cumulative production, it turns out, is the key to driving down costs. Costs, it turns out, are the things that explode demand, there's some critical cost

you can imagine. Nobody would pay $10,000 for an iphone or almost nobody. Everyone would pay $10 for an iPhone. So there's some critical number where you hit that number, $99. Let's say, in this example and you just explode your total addressable market, and then you need to rise production to meet that demand. And it's a virtuous cycle. So Wright's law is the key to unlocking the virtuous cycles of advanced technologies that ARK Invest research. And the vicious cycle is that take away the incumbents that they think are going to get disrupted by those companies they research.

So simple examples are when solar is cheaper than coal fired electricity, why would you go with coal fire?

Beautiful example.

When Budweiser can send an electrified Tesla semi trailer truck across country without having to get a fuel powered truck to take the stuff from the manufacturer to the train line to the distributions that are on the West Coast to another truck to take it off. Why would you do that when you can do it all cheaper at every step with an electrified Tesla truck that will go 24/7, is safer, no handling in between, less chance of breakage.

Why would you use a train? Why would you use a diesel truck? You wouldn't. And so these things are super, super interesting that's going on right now. I just love talking about this stuff now, just changing gears from is there anything you wanted to add extra to that?

I think you're spot on the only thing I'll say to that is it's not just tracking and logistics. We've been talking a lot about the backend, right? Amazon fulfillment centers, Tesla semis the Tesla Model 3 one day will compete with the Toyota Camry, which is the most sold car on the planet. And when your car is better, more performant, cheaper, and it doesn't break as much. There's no reason 100% of the people on Earth should not buy that car if it's better in every way. So back to Wright's law, you're going to unlock a massive total addressable market when you're 10% better in every category than the current world leader, right. So that's the only thing I'll add is it's not just the back end stuff. It's starting to become the stuff we can actually see.

Yeah, which is really, I mean, I think about the world ten years ago, and I think about the world 20 years ago, and it's so easy to forget how much the world has changed in relatively short periods of time. Life wasn't that different from 1980 to 2000, but from 2000 to 2020, it's like a completely different world or 2005 2015. And that's this convergency, changing topics slightly, but still on Tesla for a moment. What do you think of Elon Musk's play in Las Vegas? Did you see that story where they're doing the underground tunnels?

You must have seen this.

Oh, the boring company yeah.

This must be, I think, the ultimate Trojan horse. They got to call Elon the Trojan master. I think because these are going to be the first driverless taxis in the world running underneath the Las Vegas Convention Center with their boring loop. And they have already had Las Vegas city councils saying we will pay for the track to be extended out to various cities within Las Vegas because I think the cost of it was, like 23 million or something to put this loop under the convention center in these. Did you see the story?

I haven't seen that story, but I definitely understand the business model of the boring company. And I understand the Hyperloop.

I have a look at it, and it was on CNBC last week that they're actually doing it under the Las Vegas Convention Center where they're gonna have all these Uber. Well, they're like Ubers, but they're gonna be Teslas book it on an app. And because it's so massive, you just go underground, you jump in the next Tesla, it loops you around to the next stop in the convention center. And they're going to initially be having drivers in there, but shortly thereafter, they will be driverless. And they're going to have the estimate…

I think it's 60000 people a week or something jumping in Teslas underneath Las Vegas. And already all the other city counsellors are saying, extend the tunnel to our city. We want it to come out to us because being in Vegas and not having to get in a taxi anymore, I find that it's just so exciting. And then imagine what that means to Tesla when you've got all these people for the first time are probably getting in a Tesla gain. This thing's actually pretty cool.

Right in.

Tesla's got the screen there. You can watch Netflix or Elon can do a pitch on the car, who knows what they're like.

And what a brilliant move using your car as essentially a subway. But the platform is the car you're already building, right. And not to mention the fact that when cars go fully autonomous, traffic is going to skyrocket because demand for these miles will go way up as price goes down back to what we were saying before. So building that infrastructure through that Hyperloop in advance is a genius move, because now those things will only be filled with Tesla's at least in the immediate future.

So he's got a lock on this whole new level of disruptive transportation. Right.

Because he's got both the companies.

That's right. Yep.

As and this way, I love about ARK, because ARK is thinking about these kinds of scenarios and saying, well, what is the robot taxi market worth? But not only that, who are the beneficiaries of that?

That's right.

Happening. And people who don't understand Tesla's bull case. There's not many people who really understand Cathie's bull case, and even average case for the stock is that it's all about the robotaxi network. And I saw on a meme going around yesterday. They said Elon is landing Rockets vertically on pads in the middle of the ocean, and he's got a monkey playing video games. Why he will not get driverless cars.

That's right. Yeah. Who is betting against this guy at this point?

I know that's right. It's so funny. I saw Chamath on a business channel out of the Valley, and somebody was saying to Chamath, who's a massive Elon fan. Chamath, what do you think about? He's quite controversial. And he smokes pot, and Chamath's just rolling his eyes. And in the end, he cracked. And he said, Dude, you're talking about the window dressing. He says if I had a golf club here right now and I put a ball on it. And I asked you to hit that golf ball into a tea cup in the middle of San Francisco Bay here and gave you a million chances do you think you'd be able to do it?

He says, no. He says, well, Elon's doing the equivalent of that every time with the hand of a pocket.

That's right.

I got the table. Stop asking me what I'm going to stop backing the most important entrepreneur in history, right? That investors is to find these people and to back them. Where do you see all this going, Alex? Like what? I get this sense of enthusiasm and infectious excitement from you. You're sort of a technology optimist. How do you see the world through? I don't know if you follow Peter Diamandis at all. And his work has written a great book called Abundance. He's a technologist out of Los Angeles.

I think you'd love him. And he's an optimist, saying he puts forward the case. There's also a fantastic book, I can't think of the name of it right now, but the guy just passed away, and he spent the last ten years of his life putting a case forward for why we are in the best possible time in the human history. There is less war, less violent death than ever before. The problem is we have a media that amplifies what is going on.

That's right.

They believe is that technology is going to solve most of our problems. What is your world view on all of that?

Yeah. I mean, you don't have to, in my opinion, you don't have to look very far to realize that that is true. The world is getting greener, better, safer. But also, I think it's getting, how can I say this? A lot less cruel, right. So a world without cancer is a world I would love to live in. Right? Cancer is one of those problems that I think everyone can relate to, and everyone is excited to see go away. And things like gene therapy, advanced cancer screenings and all the great new medical results of artificial intelligence sequencing the human genome, things like the DeepMind breakthrough that you were talking about earlier.

Those are exactly the types of things where they sound a little theoretical and nebulous in the beginning until you realize their applications are understanding disease so you can edit them away, sequencing different cancers so you can detect them earlier. All of these things play a role in making humanity ultimately back to your question before I believe a multiplanetary species. I think one of the things that we should look forward to is not only making Earth a greener place, but also setting up the success paradigm, if you will, of how do we successfully colonize another planet and make it a greener place and more habitable and friendly for the best parts of humanity and keep expanding our reach and doing that. Well,

to do that, we need to have a lower mortality rate. We all need to get a little smarter, a little more empathetic. We need to understand the advanced technologies we'll be working with, because certainly on the moon and Mars we'll be surrounded by that stuff because it's probably keeping us alive. In my opinion, understanding the future is about understanding the new technologies that we will soon be interacting with, cars that are driving us instead of us driving them, gene-editing, robots that are delivering our food or other important things as you alluded to right? That future is coming.

And so the best thing you can do as an investor and in my opinion, a human being in society is understand them, those technologies and your new place in society as a result. Right?

I love it. I absolutely love it. And I'm not a parent. But if I was a parent, I would see this kind of education, self education that Alex is talking about now and it is available on Alex's YouTube channel for free encumbered upon parents and teachers. I guess I am a teacher to get young people to understand this stuff because it can be a very dark and lonely world for a young person out there today with the dark side of social media. As explained so eloquently on this, on the Netflix “Social Dilemma” on Netflix?

If you haven't seen it, you've got kids. Kids are facing unprecedented challenges. And I think if you can show them the light with this kind of stuff, it really brings a whole new perception. And kids are suffering with anxiety and depression when they shouldn't be. And this real learning, deep learning of this kind of content. I think it's just such a beacon of hope and positivity based on science and research, and not just on a motivational sort of temporary platform which is great. And I really see nobility in the work that you're doing there, Alex,

on that front. The lives that will be affected by these videos, which hopefully will be out there for many years to come. And I'm really excited to see where it takes you as a real leader in this area.

Sure. Thank you. That means a lot to me.

The outpouring of kindness and support for this idea of investing in the investor through deep research on advanced technologies has been life changing, and so I've decided to change my life to support it. I've quit my day job and built out a studio dedicated to investing in you. My plan is to work up to two or three videos every week, and my goal is simple: to share the good research and bad ideas that of what not just my financial freedom, but to a life I genuinely find fulfilling and a vision of the future I really believe is worth investing in. Your future

and mine. This is Ticker Symbol: You. My name is Alex, reminding you that the best investment you can make is in you.

If you want to comment on this, please do so on the YouTube Video Here

Alex Divinsky

💰 Investing in our future through disruptive innovation, ☕ lover of coffee, 📺 host of Ticker Symbol: YOU on YouTube

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